Fearless Photographer: Portraits
Charlotte rarely uses Photoshop to composite/fabricate images (and discloses completely whatever may have been done in Photoshop) throughout the book. So, for example, when she places her subjects in a heart-shaped ring of fire - they really are surrounded by fire, not dropped in in post-production. As a photographer for over 20 years, she first trained to "get it right on film", so concepts like "we'll fix it in post-production" are approaches she abhors. Wherever possible, she strives to realize a vision in-camera, not as pieces composed after the fact. The book is a fun and easy read, with practical advice and Charlotte is never afraid to tell you her mistakes as well.
The book, in the end, isn't just a how-to, but also gives you inspiration and encouragement to really engage your subjects, and, yes, be fearless.
Here's an overview of the book and one of the behind-the-scenes videos (below), and after the jump are seven more videos showing behind-the-scenes looks at several chapters of the book.
Fearless Photographer Portaits - Behind the Scenes - Hearts on Fire: Ray and Angel
Fearless Photographer Portraits - Overview
(Continued after the Jump)
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Chloe Alyce and Lucky
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Preteens: Olivia and the Beach
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Soccer Stars
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Hunter: Rock Star (and cover subject)
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Blaine: A Man with a Message
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Lyndi and Clyde: Beauty Tames a Ton (Literally)
Fearless Photographer Portraits: Behind the Scenes - Agent C's Hot Wheels
* Charlotte is my better half, and I served as a humble assistant to bring her visions (and those of her subjects) to reality. She also cornered me into appearing a few times in the book.
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