Jim Estill Radio Guest

Jim Estill Radio Guest
I'm looking forward to today's guest on my radio show, Business in Motion.
Jim Estill is an interesting study for a few reasons. He is CEO of Synnex, a $1B distributor of computer equipment and supplies. He build EMJ which he sold to Synnex then accepted the role as CEO of Synnex. Impressive by itself.
He is a strong advocate of time management. In fact he wrote a book titled, "Time Leadership - Use the secrets of leadership for time management". This book offers a strategic approach to the use of your time along with all the simple and practical tips and techniques. In the true spirit of time management the book is a compact 80 pages. That makes it easy to complete and refer back to for reminders.
One more thing for now - Jim Estill writes a regular blog. How many CEO's do you know of that write blogs. Jim has been writing this blog for over three years. Find it by searching for "CEO blog" or "Jim Estill". Or click here.
Of course there is more. If you have the chance, listen in to the interview on 93.3 cfmu at 12:00 noon today. If you are not in the Hamilton area you can listen online at cfmu.
In his own words, here is his bio from his blog:
"I started a computer distribution company - EMJ Data from the trunk of my car in 1979. With a great team we built the company up to $350,000,000 in sales and sold to SYNNEX in Sept 2004. Now I am CEO of SYNNEX Canada. We sell about a Billion $ in computer products in Canada. We sell all the brands you would recognize like HP, Apple, Intel, Lexmark, Acer, Sony, Microsoft etc through computer resellers and retailers from Future shop and Zellers to Bob's computer store. We are also a leader in bar code and POS equipment. This blog represents my personal views and not those of SYNNEX or any other company."