Livebooks - Speedlinks
Our colleagues (and, yes, advertiser) Livebooks does a great job over on their Resolve blog of posting timely and insightful articles on the realities of the business and marketing of photography. Here are a few:
- What is Branding - Want to build a strong brand that best represents your business? Sit down and define the following:
What is your mission statement?
Who are you? What is your business about?
What are you values and your company’s values?
What do you want to be known for?
What is your specialty? - Selling Relationships - The client wants to know that you are listening and want to meet his or her needs. The client wants a RELATIONSHIP.
- Pricing – How to Factor for YOU in Your Costs - I don’t care if you’ve been in business for 2 months or 20 years; this is something that is always of concern to small business owners. And, for those people who feel comfortable in their pricing, it is a short-lived comfort. Pricing must always be examined and re-examined.
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