ScottVest - A Cure for Carry-On Limits
As someone who's been met with "you've got to check one of those..." challenges by unknowning TSA personnel, below is one really cool solution to solve this problem:
You can read more about it on Engadget - Scottevest's Carry-On Coat houses all of your portable electronics, stolen hotel shampoo bottles - or check out the ASMP website for information on TSA's allowances for professional photographers, here.
Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.
You can read more about it on Engadget - Scottevest's Carry-On Coat houses all of your portable electronics, stolen hotel shampoo bottles - or check out the ASMP website for information on TSA's allowances for professional photographers, here.
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