Motivational Insights for Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
Enjoy these motivational insights from motivational speaker, George Torok. He delivers motivational keynote presentations for associations and corporations. He is hired for his expertise and remembered for his motivational messages. He is a business speaker with expertise in marketing and business growth – yet he is often quoted on his motivational insights.
If these quotes help to motivate you and your staff then feel free to repeat them. But be sure to quote George Torok as your source.
Motivational Insights from Motivational Speaker, George Torok
“Running your business is a lot like running a marathon. You don’t build your business by sprinting. You build it by being steady over the long run.”
“You don’t need to do every little thing perfectly. You just need to do them.”
“There is a myth that if you do what you love the money will follow. You should do something that you love, but the money will only follow if you also do some things that you hate.”
“An imperfect system is better than no system at all.”
“Success is simple but never easy.”
“Some of the things in your business are frustrating, embarrassing and painful. That builds character. To build your business you need to build your character.”
“Talent runs hot and cold. Don’t rely on talent. Follow systems.”
“Success comes from doing little things consistently well over time. It’s not about the lucky break.”
“Building a business is a race. But it is not about a race to the finish line – it is a race to keep running.”
“Watch what successful people do and don’t simply copy them. If you do, you will always be a follower. Watch what successful people do and ask yourself, “Why do they do it that way?”
If you like these motivational quotes – use them – along with crediting George Torok. If you want your people to hear these messages directly then arrange for George Torok to speak to your team.
Motivational Insights from George Torok
Motivational Business Speaker
George Torok
George Torok is a motivational speaker who specializes in marketing and presentation skills.

If these quotes help to motivate you and your staff then feel free to repeat them. But be sure to quote George Torok as your source.
Motivational Insights from Motivational Speaker, George Torok
“Running your business is a lot like running a marathon. You don’t build your business by sprinting. You build it by being steady over the long run.”
“You don’t need to do every little thing perfectly. You just need to do them.”
“There is a myth that if you do what you love the money will follow. You should do something that you love, but the money will only follow if you also do some things that you hate.”
“An imperfect system is better than no system at all.”
“Success is simple but never easy.”
“Some of the things in your business are frustrating, embarrassing and painful. That builds character. To build your business you need to build your character.”
“Talent runs hot and cold. Don’t rely on talent. Follow systems.”
“Success comes from doing little things consistently well over time. It’s not about the lucky break.”
“Building a business is a race. But it is not about a race to the finish line – it is a race to keep running.”
“Watch what successful people do and don’t simply copy them. If you do, you will always be a follower. Watch what successful people do and ask yourself, “Why do they do it that way?”
If you like these motivational quotes – use them – along with crediting George Torok. If you want your people to hear these messages directly then arrange for George Torok to speak to your team.
Motivational Insights from George Torok
Motivational Business Speaker
George Torok
George Torok is a motivational speaker who specializes in marketing and presentation skills.